The Territories of Philosophy in Modern Historiography
a cura di Catherine König-Pralong, Mario Meliadò, Zornitsa Radeva
Collana Ad Argumenta, n. 1
ISBN 9782503584683
pp. 254
In vendita sul sito di Brepols Publishers
In the recent past, critical discussions concerning notions such as ‘cultural area’ and ‘area studies’ – as well as their relativization by means of conceptions that avoid splitting clearly identified areas (inter alia, ‘third space’, ‘hybridity’, ‘diaspora’, or ‘cosmopolitanism’) – have drawn attention to the long history of cultural territorialization. This book attempts to open the history of philosophy to reflexive and globalizing tendencies elaborated in the field of ‘world history’. From the seventeenth century onward, in both modern Europe and North America, historical sciences – notably philosophical historiography and cultural history – colonized both the past (or national pasts) and the ‘rest’ of the world. The contributions gathered in this volume address both phenomena to the extent that they have been linked with modern historicization of philosophy, sciences, and culture.
Catherine König-Pralong, Mario Meliadò and Zornitsa Radeva are members of the MEMOPHI (Medieval Philosophy in Modern History of Philosophy) research group, a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2013-CoG 615045), directed by Catherine König-Pralong and located at the University of Freiburg (Germany).